European Health for All database (HFA-DB)
Since the mid-1980s, Member States of the WHO European Region have been reporting essential health-related statistics to the Health for All (HFA) family of databases, making it one of WHO’s oldest sources of data. As it is based on reported data, rather than estimates, the HFA family of databases is also particularly valuable.
HFA databases bring together the indicators that are part of major monitoring frameworks relevant to the Region, such as Health 2020 and the Sustainable Development Goals. The indicators cover basic demographics, health status, health determinants and risk factors, as well as health care resources, expenditures and more.
HFA databases allow access to regional, national and some subnational indicators and metadata, which are visualized through interactive online tools in the Health for All explorer. Data, metadata, graphs and maps can be exported or shared online and on social media.
The following abbreviations are used in the indicator titles:
- SDR: age-standardized death rates (see HFA-DB user manual/Technical notes, page 13, for details)
- FTE: full-time equivalent
- PP: physical persons
- PPP$: purchasing power parities expressed in US $, an internationally comparable scale reflecting the relative domestic purchasing powers of currencies.
- % of population aged 0–14 years
- % of population aged 0–14 years, females
- % of population aged 0–14 years, males
- % of population aged 65+ years
- % of population aged 65+ years, females
- % of population aged 65+ years, males
- % of population with postsecondary education aged 25+ years
- % of population with primary education only aged 25+ years
- % of population with secondary education only aged 25+ years
- % of urban population
- Annual average rate of inflation (%)
- Area (km2)
- Availability of social support
- Average population density per km2
- Crude death rate per 1000 population
- Crude death rate per 1000 population, females
- Crude death rate per 1000 population, males
- GINI coefficient (income distribution)
- Gross domestic product (GDP), US$ per capita
- Gross national income, US$ per capita
- Labour force as % of population
- Literacy rate (%) in female population aged 15+ years
- Literacy rate (%) in male population aged 15+ years
- Literacy rate (%) in population aged 15+ years
- Live births per 1000 population
- Live births per 1000 population, females
- Live births per 1000 population, males
- Mid-year female population
- Mid-year male population
- Mid-year population
- Number of live births
- Number of live births, females
- Number of live births, males
- Proportion of children of official primary school age not enrolled, both sexes
- Proportion of children of official primary school age not enrolled, females
- Proportion of children of official primary school age not enrolled, males
- Real gross domestic product, PPP$ per capita
- Total fertility rate
- Total government expenditure as % of GDP
- UNDP Human Development Index (HDI)
- Unemployment rate (%)
- Disability-adjusted life expectancy
- Disability-adjusted life expectancy, females
- Disability-adjusted life expectancy, males
- Early neonatal deaths per 1000 live births
- Estimated infant mortality per 1000 live births (world health report)
- Estimated life expectancy at birth
- Estimated life expectancy at birth, females
- Estimated life expectancy at birth, males
- Estimated maternal mortality per 100 000 live births (WHO/UNICEFF/UNFPA estimates)
- Estimated probability of dying before age 5, per 1000 live births (world health report)
- Fetal deaths per 1000 births
- Infant deaths per 1000 live births
- Infant deaths per 1000 live births, females
- Infant deaths per 1000 live births, males
- Late neonatal deaths per 1000 live births
- Life expectancy at age 1 (years)
- Life expectancy at age 1 (years), females
- Life expectancy at age 1 (years), males
- Life expectancy at age 15 (years)
- Life expectancy at age 15 (years), females
- Life expectancy at age 15 (years), males
- Life expectancy at age 45 (years)
- Life expectancy at age 45 (years), females
- Life expectancy at age 45 (years), males
- Life expectancy at age 65 (years)
- Life expectancy at age 65 (years), females
- Life expectancy at age 65 (years), males
- Life expectancy at birth (years)
- Life expectancy at birth (years), females
- Life expectancy at birth (years), males
- Maternal deaths per 100 000 live births, max of cod and clinical data
- Maternal deaths per 100 000 live births according to clinical data
- Maternal deaths, abortion, per 100 000 live births
- Maternal deaths, cause of death data per 100 000 live births
- Maternal deaths, gestational (pregnancy-induced) hypertension and hyperemesis, per 100 000 live births
- Maternal deaths, haemorrhage, per 100 000 live births
- Maternal deaths, puerperium, per 100 000 live births
- Neonatal deaths per 1000 live births
- Number of dead-born fetuses
- Number of deadborn fetuses with a birth weight of 1000 g or more
- Number of early neonatal deaths
- Number of early neonatal deaths with a birth weight of 1000 g or more
- Number of live births with a birth weight of 1000 g or more
- Perinatal deaths 1000+g per 1000 births
- Perinatal deaths national criteria per 1000 births
- Perinatal deaths per 1000 births
- Postneonatal deaths per 1000 live births
- Probability of dying before age 5 per 1000 live births
- Probability of dying before age 5 per 1000 live births, females
- Probability of dying before age 5 per 1000 live births, males
- Reduction of life expectancy through death before 65 years
- Reduction of life expectancy through death before 65 years, females
- Reduction of life expectancy through death before 65 years, males
- SDR all causes, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, acute respiratory infections, pneumonia and influenza, under 5 years, per 100 000
- SDR, acute respiratory infections, pneumonia and influenza, under 5 years, per 100 000, females
- SDR, acute respiratory infections, pneumonia and influenza, under 5 years, per 100 000, males
- SDR, all causes, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, all causes, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, all causes, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, all causes, 65+, per 100 000
- SDR, all causes, 65+, per 100 000, females
- SDR, all causes, 65+, per 100 000, males
- SDR, all causes, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, all causes, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, bronchitis/emphysema/asthma, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, bronchitis/emphysema/asthma, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, bronchitis/emphysema/asthma, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, bronchitis/emphysema/asthma, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, bronchitis/emphysema/asthma, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, bronchitis/emphysema/asthma, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, cancer of the cervix uteri, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, cancer of the cervix uteri, 65+, per 100 000
- SDR, cancer of the cervix uteri, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, cerebrovascular diseases, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, cerebrovascular diseases, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, cerebrovascular diseases, 0–64, per 100 000,female
- SDR, cerebrovascular diseases, 65+, per 100 000
- SDR, cerebrovascular diseases, 65+, per 100 000, females
- SDR, cerebrovascular diseases, 65+, per 100 000, males
- SDR, cerebrovascular diseases, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, cerebrovascular diseases, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, cerebrovascular diseases, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, diabetes mellitus, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, diabetes mellitus, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, diabetes mellitus, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, diabetes mellitus, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, diabetes mellitus, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, diabetes, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, diarrhoeal diseases, under 5 years, per 100 000
- SDR, diarrhoeal diseases, under 5 years, per 100 000, females
- SDR, diarrhoeal diseases, under 5 years, per 100 000, males
- SDR, digestive diseases, 30-69 years, both sexes
- SDR, digestive diseases, 30-69 years, females
- SDR, digestive diseases, 30-69 years, males
- SDR, disease of genitourinary system, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, disease of genitourinary system, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, disease of genitourinary system, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, disease of genitourinary system, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, disease of genitourinary system, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, disease of genitourinary system, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, diseases of circulatory system, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, diseases of circulatory system, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, diseases of circulatory system, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, diseases of circulatory system, 65+, per 100 000
- SDR, diseases of circulatory system, 65+, per 100 000, females
- SDR, diseases of circulatory system, 65+, per 100 000, males
- SDR, diseases of circulatory system, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, diseases of circulatory system, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, diseases of circulatory system, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, diseases of digestive system, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, diseases of digestive system, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, diseases of digestive system, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, diseases of digestive system, 65+, per 100 000
- SDR, diseases of digestive system, 65+, per 100 000, females
- SDR, diseases of digestive system, 65+, per 100 000, males
- SDR, diseases of digestive system, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, diseases of digestive system, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, diseases of digestive system, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, diseases of respiratory system, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, diseases of respiratory system, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, diseases of respiratory system, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, diseases of respiratory system, 65+, per 100 000
- SDR, diseases of respiratory system, 65+, per 100 000, females
- SDR, diseases of respiratory system, 65+, per 100 000, males
- SDR, diseases of respiratory system, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, diseases of respiratory system, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, diseases of respiratory system, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, diseases of the blood, blood forming organs and certain immunity disorders, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, diseases of the blood, blood forming organs and certain immunity disorders, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, diseases of the blood, blood forming organs and certain immunity disorders, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, diseases of the blood, blood forming organs and certain immunity disorders, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, diseases of the blood, blood forming organs and certain immunity disorders, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, diseases of the blood, blood forming organs and certain immunity disorders, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, endocrine/nutrition/metabolic disease/disorder involving immune mechanism, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, endocrine/nutrition/metabolic disease/disorder involving immune mechanism, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, endocrine/nutrition/metabolic disease/disorder involving immune mechanism, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, endocrine/nutrition/metabolic disease/disorder involving immune mechanism, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, endocrine/nutrition/metabolic disease/disorder involving immune mechanism, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 0–4
- SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 0–4, females
- SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 0–4, males
- SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 5–19
- SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 5–19, females
- SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 5–19, males
- SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 65+, per 100 000
- SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 65+, per 100 000, females
- SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 65+, per 100 000, males
- SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, homicide and intentional injury, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, homicide and intentional injury, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, homicide and intentional injury, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, homicide and intentional injury, 65+, per 100 000
- SDR, homicide and intentional injury, 65+, per 100 000, females
- SDR, homicide and intentional injury, 65+, per 100 000, males
- SDR, homicide and intentional injury, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, homicide and intentional injury, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, homicide and intentional injury, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, infectious and parasitic diseases, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, infectious and parasitic diseases, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, infectious and parasitic diseases, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, infectious and parasitic diseases, 65+, per 100 000
- SDR, infectious and parasitic diseases, 65+, per 100 000, females
- SDR, infectious and parasitic diseases, 65+, per 100 000, males
- SDR, infectious and parasitic diseases, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, infectious and parasitic diseases, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, infectious and parasitic diseases, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, ischaemic heart disease, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, ischaemic heart disease, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, ischaemic heart disease, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, ischaemic heart disease, 65+, per 100 000
- SDR, ischaemic heart disease, 65+, per 100 000, females
- SDR, ischaemic heart disease, 65+, per 100 000, males
- SDR, ischaemic heart disease, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, ischaemic heart disease, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, ischaemic heart disease, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, major noncommunicable diseases, 30-69 years, both sexes
- SDR, major noncommunicable diseases, 30-69 years, females
- SDR, major noncommunicable diseases, 30-69 years, males
- SDR, malignant neoplasm female breast, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, malignant neoplasm female breast, 65+, per 100 000
- SDR, malignant neoplasm female breast, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, malignant neoplasms, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, malignant neoplasms, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, malignant neoplasms, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, malignant neoplasms, 65+, per 100 000
- SDR, malignant neoplasms, 65+, per 100 000, females
- SDR, malignant neoplasms, 65+, per 100 000, males
- SDR, malignant neoplasms, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, malignant neoplasms, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, malignant neoplasms, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, 65+/100 000
- SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, 65+/100 000, females
- SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, 65+/100 000, males
- SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, motor vehicle traffic accidents, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, motor vehicle traffic accidents, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, motor vehicle traffic accidents, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, motor vehicle traffic accidents, 65+, per 100 000
- SDR, motor vehicle traffic accidents, 65+, per 100 000, females
- SDR, motor vehicle traffic accidents, 65+, per 100 000, males
- SDR, motor vehicle traffic accidents, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, motor vehicle traffic accidents, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, motor vehicle traffic accidents, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, selected alcohol-related causes, per 100 000
- SDR, selected alcohol-related causes, per 100 000, females
- SDR, selected alcohol-related causes, per 100 000, males
- SDR, selected smoking-related causes, per 100 000
- SDR, selected smoking-related causes, per 100 000, females
- SDR, selected smoking-related causes, per 100 000, males
- SDR, suicide and self-inflicted injury, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, suicide and self-inflicted injury, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, suicide and self-inflicted injury, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, suicide and self-inflicted injury, 65+, per 100 000
- SDR, suicide and self-inflicted injury, 65+, per 100 000, females
- SDR, suicide and self-inflicted injury, 65+, per 100 000, males
- SDR, suicide and self-inflicted injury, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, suicide and self-inflicted injury, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, suicide and self-inflicted injury, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, symptoms, signs and ill defined conditions, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, symptoms, signs and ill defined conditions, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, symptoms, signs and ill defined conditions, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, symptoms, signs and ill defined conditions, 65+, per 100 000
- SDR, symptoms, signs and ill defined conditions, 65+, per 100 000, females
- SDR, symptoms, signs and ill defined conditions, 65+, per 100 000, males
- SDR, symptoms, signs and ill defined conditions, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, symptoms, signs and ill defined conditions, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, symptoms, signs and ill defined conditions, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, trachea/bronchus/lung cancer, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, trachea/bronchus/lung cancer, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, trachea/bronchus/lung cancer, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, trachea/bronchus/lung cancer, 65+, per 100 000
- SDR, trachea/bronchus/lung cancer, 65+, per 100 000, females
- SDR, trachea/bronchus/lung cancer, 65+, per 100 000, males
- SDR, trachea/bronchus/lung cancer, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, trachea/bronchus/lung cancer, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, trachea/bronchus/lung cancer, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, transport accidents, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, transport accidents, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, transport accidents, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, tuberculosis, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, tuberculosis, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, tuberculosis, all ages, per 100 000, males
- % of disabled people of working age engaged in regular occupational activity
- % population self-assessing health as good
- % population self-assessing health as good, females
- % population self-assessing health as good, males
- Absenteeism from work due to illness, days per employee per year
- All cases of mental disorders at year's end
- Estimated incidence of tuberculosis per 100 000
- Estimated mortality of tuberculosis per 100 000
- Estimated prevalence of tuberculosis per 100 000
- Hospital discharges, all neoplasms
- Hospital discharges, all neoplasms per 100 000
- Hospital discharges, cerebrovascular diseases
- Hospital discharges, cerebrovascular diseases, per 100 000
- Hospital discharges, circulatory system disease, per 100 000
- Hospital discharges, digestive system diseases
- Hospital discharges, digestive system diseases, per 100 000
- Hospital discharges, infectious and parasitic diseases
- Hospital discharges, infectious and parasitic diseases per 100 000
- Hospital discharges, injury and poisoning
- Hospital discharges, injury and poisoning, per 100 000
- Hospital discharges, ischaemic heart disease, per 100 000
- Hospital discharges, mental and behavioural disorders, per 100 000
- Hospital discharges, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue diseases
- Hospital discharges, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue diseases, per 100 000
- Hospital discharges, respiratory system diseases
- Hospital discharges, respiratory system diseases, per 100 000
- Incidence of acute poliomyelitis per 100 000
- Incidence of alcoholic psychosis per 100 000
- Incidence of cancer per 100 000
- Incidence of cancer per 100 000, female
- Incidence of cancer per 100 000, males
- Incidence of cervix uteri cancer per 100 000
- Incidence of congenital rubella per 100 000
- Incidence of congenital syphilis per 100 000
- Incidence of diphtheria per 100 000
- Incidence of female breast cancer per 100 000
- Incidence of gonococcal infection per 100 000
- Incidence of Haemophilus influenzae type b invasive disease per 100 000
- Incidence of hepatitis C per 100 000
- Incidence of malaria per 100 000
- Incidence of measles per 100 000
- Incidence of mental disorders per 100 000
- Incidence of mumps per 100 000
- Incidence of neonatal tetanus per 100 000
- Incidence of pertussis per 100 000
- Incidence of rubella per 100 000
- Incidence of syphilis per 100 000
- Incidence of tetanus per 100 000
- Incidence of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer per 100 000
- Incidence of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer per 100 000, females
- Incidence of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer per 100 000, males
- Incidence of tuberculosis per 100 000
- Incidence of viral hepatitis A per 100 000
- Incidence of viral hepatitis B per 100 000
- Incidence of viral hepatitis per 100 000
- New cases, diabetes mellitus per 100 000
- New invalidity/disability cases per 100 000
- Number of all cases cancer at year's end, females
- Number of all cases cancer at year's end, males
- Number of all cases of cancer at year's end
- Number of all cases of diabetes mellitus at year's end
- Number of cases of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Number of deaths from malaria
- Number of hospital discharges, circulatory system disease
- Number of hospital discharges, ischaemic heart disease
- Number of hospital discharges, mental and behavioural disorders
- Number of mental patients staying in hospitals 365+ days
- Number of mental patients staying in hospitals 365+ days per 100 000
- Number of new AIDS cases
- Number of new cases of alcoholic psychosis
- Number of new cases of cancer
- Number of new cases of cancer, females
- Number of new cases of cancer, males
- Number of new cases of cervix uteri cancer
- Number of new cases of diabetes mellitus
- Number of new cases of female breast cancer
- Number of new cases of mental disorders
- Number of new cases of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer
- Number of new cases of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer, females
- Number of new cases of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer, males
- Number of new congenital rubella cases
- Number of new congenital syphilis cases
- Number of new diphtheria cases
- Number of new gonococcal infection cases
- Number of new Haemophilus influenzae type b invasive disease cases
- Number of new hepatitis A cases
- Number of new hepatitis B cases
- Number of new hepatitis C cases
- Number of new HIV diagnoses
- Number of new malaria cases
- Number of new measles cases
- Number of new mumps cases
- Number of new neonatal tetanus cases
- Number of new pertussis cases
- Number of new poliomyelitis cases
- Number of new rubella cases
- Number of new syphilis cases
- Number of new tetanus cases
- Number of new tuberculosis cases
- Number of new viral hepatitis cases
- Number of newly recognized invalidity/disability cases
- Number of people receiving social/disability benefits
- People receiving social/disability benefits per 100 000
- Prevalence of cancer (%)
- Prevalence of cancer (%), females
- Prevalence of cancer (%), males
- Prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (%)
- Prevalence of diabetes mellitus (%)
- Prevalence of mental disorders (%)
- Proportion (%) of tuberculosis cases cured under DOTS
- Proportion (%) of tuberculosis cases detected under DOTS
- Rate of new AIDS cases per 100 000
- Rate of new HIV diagnoses per 100 000
- % of regular daily smokers in the population, age 15+
- % of regular daily smokers in the population, age 15+, females
- % of regular daily smokers in the population, age 15+, males
- % of total energy available from fat
- % of total energy available from protein
- Age-standardized prevalence of current tobacco smoking, age 15+, WHO estimates (%)
- Age-standardized prevalence of current tobacco smoking, age 15+, WHO estimates (%), females
- Age-standardized prevalence of current tobacco smoking, age 15+, WHO estimates (%), males
- Age-standardized prevalence of obesity (defined as BMI = 30 kg/m2), age 18+, WHO estimates (%)
- Age-standardized prevalence of obesity (defined as BMI = 30 kg/m2), age 18+, WHO estimates (%), females
- Age-standardized prevalence of obesity (defined as BMI = 30 kg/m2), age 18+, WHO estimates (%), males
- Age-standardized prevalence of overweight (defined as BMI = 25 kg/m2), age 18+, WHO estimates (%)
- Age-standardized prevalence of overweight (defined as BMI = 25 kg/m2), age 18+, WHO estimates (%), females
- Age-standardized prevalence of overweight (defined as BMI = 25 kg/m2), age 18+, WHO estimates (%), males
- Average amount of cereal available per person per year (kg)
- Average amount of fruits and vegetables available per person per year (kg)
- Average number of calories available per person per day (kcal)
- Beer consumed in pure alcohol, litres per capita, age 15+
- Fat available per person per day (g)
- First admissions to drug treatment centres per 100 000
- Number cigarettes consumed per person per year
- Number of first admissions to drug treatment centres
- Number of people killed or injured in road traffic accidents
- Number of road traffic accidents involving alcohol
- Number of road traffic accidents with injury
- People killed or injured in road traffic accidents per 100 000
- Protein available per person per day (g)
- Pure alcohol consumption, litres per capita, age 15+
- Road traffic accidents involving alcohol per 100 000
- Road traffic accidents with injury per 100 000
- Spirits consumed in pure alcohol, litres per capita, age 15+
- Total number of cigarettes consumed (in million pieces), per year
- Wine consumed in pure alcohol, litres per capita, age 15+
- % population with access to sewage system, septic tank or other hygienic means of sewage disposal
- % population with access to sewage system, septic tank or other hygienic means of sewage disposal, rural
- % population with access to sewage system, septic tank or other hygienic means of sewage disposal, urban
- % population with homes connected to water supply system
- % population with homes connected to water supply system, rural
- % population with homes connected to water supply system, urban
- Average number of people per room in occupied housing unit
- Deaths due to work-related accidents per 100 000
- Microbiological foodborne diseases per 100 000
- Microbiological foodborne diseases, number of outbreaks
- New cases of occupational diseases per 100 000
- Number of cases of microbiological foodborne diseases
- Number of deaths due to work-related accidents
- Number of new cases of occupational diseases
- Number of people injured due to work-related accidents
- Number of salmonellosis cases
- People injured due to work-related accidents per 100 000
- Salmonellosis cases per 100 000
- % of nurses working in hospitals
- % of physicians working in hospitals
- Acute (short-stay) hospitals per 100 000
- Acute care hospital beds per 100 000
- Acute care hospital beds, medical group of specialties
- Acute care hospital beds, medical group of specialties, per 100 000
- Acute care hospital beds, obstetric and gynaecological group of specialties
- Acute care hospital beds, obstetric and gynaecological group of specialties, per 100 000
- Acute care hospital beds, paediatric group of specialties
- Acute care hospital beds, paediatric group of specialties, per 100 000
- Acute care hospital beds, surgical group of specialties
- Acute care hospital beds, surgical group of specialties, per 100 000
- Dentists (FTE) per 100 000
- Dentists (PP) per 100 000
- Dentists graduated per 100 000
- General practitioners (PP) per 100 000
- Hospital beds per 100 000
- Hospitals per 100 000
- Midwives (FTE) per 100 000
- Midwives (PP) per 100 000
- Midwives graduated per 100 000
- Number of acute (short-stay) hospitals
- Number of acute care hospital beds
- Number of dentists (FTE)
- Number of dentists (PP)
- Number of dentists graduated in given year
- Number of general practitioners (PP)
- Number of hospitals
- Number of midwives (FTE)
- Number of midwives (PP)
- Number of midwives graduated in given year
- Number of nurses (FTE)
- Number of nurses (PP)
- Number of nurses graduated in given year
- Number of nursing and elderly home beds
- Number of pharmacists (PP)
- Number of pharmacists graduated in given year
- Number of physicians graduated in given year
- Number of physicians, full-time equivalent (FTE)
- Number of physicians, medical group of specialties (PP)
- Number of physicians, obstetric and gynaecological group of specialties (PP)
- Number of physicians, paediatric specialties (PP)
- Number of physicians, physical persons (PP)
- Number of physicians, surgical group of specialties (PP)
- Number of primary health care units
- Number of private inpatient hospital beds
- Number of psychiatric hospital beds
- Nurses (FTE) per 100 000
- Nurses (PP) per 100 000
- Nurses graduated per 100 000
- Nursing and elderly home beds per 100 000
- Pharmacists (PP) per 100 000
- Pharmacists graduated per 100 000
- Physicians graduated per 100 000
- Physicians per 100 000
- Physicians, full-time equivalent (FTE) per 100 000
- Physicians, medical group of specialties (PP), per 100 000
- Physicians, obstetric and gynaecological group of specialties (PP), per 100 000
- Physicians, paediatric group of specialties (PP), per 100 000
- Physicians, surgical group of specialties (PP), per 100 000
- Primary health care units per 100 000
- Private inpatient hospital beds as % of all beds
- Psychiatric hospital beds per 100 000
- Total number of hospital beds
- Acute care hospital discharges per 100
- Autopsy rate (%) for all deaths
- Autopsy rate (%) for hospital deaths
- Average length of stay, acute care hospitals only
- Average length of stay, all hospitals
- Bed occupancy rate (%), acute care hospitals only
- Inpatient care discharges per 100
- Inpatient surgical procedures per year per 100 000
- Number of acute care hospital discharges
- Number of all hospital discharges
- Outpatient contacts per person per year
- Private households' out-of-pocket payments on health as % of private-sector health expenditure
- Private households' out-of-pocket payments on health as % of total health expenditure
- Private-sector expenditure on health as % of GDP, WHO estimates
- Private-sector expenditure on health as % of total health expenditure, WHO estimates
- Public expenditure on health, PPP$ per capita, WHO estimates
- Public inpatient expenditure as % of total inpatient expenditure
- Public pharmaceutical expenditure as % of total pharmaceutical expenditure
- Public-sector expenditure on health as % of GDP, WHO estimates
- Public-sector expenditure on health as % of total government expenditure, WHO estimates
- Public-sector health expenditure as % of total health expenditure
- Public-sector health expenditure as % of total health expenditure, WHO estimates
- Salaries as % of total public health expenditure
- SDR, adverse effects of therapeutic agents, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, adverse effects of therapeutic agents, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, adverse effects of therapeutic agents, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, adverse effects of therapeutic agents, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, adverse effects of therapeutic agents, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, adverse effects of therapeutic agents, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, appendicitis, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, appendicitis, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, appendicitis, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, appendicitis, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, appendicitis, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, appendicitis, all ages, per 100 000, males
- SDR, hernia and intestinal obstruction, 0–64, per 100 000
- SDR, hernia and intestinal obstruction, 0–64, per 100 000, females
- SDR, hernia and intestinal obstruction, 0–64, per 100 000, males
- SDR, hernia and intestinal obstruction, all ages, per 100 000
- SDR, hernia and intestinal obstruction, all ages, per 100 000, females
- SDR, hernia and intestinal obstruction, all ages, per 100 000, males
- Surgical wound infection rate (%), all operations
- Total capital investment expenditure on medical facilities as % of total health expenditure
- Total health expenditure as % of GDP
- Total health expenditure as % of GDP, WHO estimates
- Total health expenditure, PPP$ per capita
- Total health expenditure, PPP$ per capita, WHO estimates
- Total inpatient expenditure as % of total health expenditure
- Total number of inpatient surgical procedures per year
- Total pharmaceutical expenditure as % of total health expenditure
- % infants vaccinated against invasive disease due to Haemophilus influenzae type b
- % of all live births to mothers aged 35+ years
- % of all live births to mothers aged under 20 years
- % of children vaccinated against measles
- % of infants breastfed at age 3 months
- % of infants breastfed at age 6 months
- % of infants vaccinated against diphtheria
- % of infants vaccinated against hepatitis B
- % of infants vaccinated against mumps
- % of infants vaccinated against pertussis
- % of infants vaccinated against poliomyelitis
- % of infants vaccinated against rubella
- % of infants vaccinated against tetanus
- % of infants vaccinated against tuberculosis
- % of live births weighing 2500 g or more
- Abortions per 1000 live births
- Abortions per 1000 live births, age 35+ years
- Abortions per 1000 live births, age under 20 years
- Births with Down's syndrome per 100 000 live births
- Caesarean sections per 1000 live births
- Congenital anomalies per 100 000 live births
- Contraceptive use among currently married women aged 15–49 (%), any method
- Number of abortions, age 35+ years
- Number of abortions, age under 20 years
- Number of abortions, all ages
- Number of all live births to mothers aged under 20 years
- Number of all live births, mothers aged 35+ years
- Number of births with congenital anomalies
- Number of births with Down's syndrome
- Number of caesarean sections
- Proportion (%) of births attended by skilled health personnel